One of Sophia Loren famous quote would be "Beauty is how you feel inside & it reflects in your eyes. It's not something physical" Yes, looks would have a very significant impact on first impression but it's the personality a.k.a attitude will make people fall in love & stay in love. Even gorgeous women get dumped everyday (like Nora Danish, Erra Fazira, Norish Karman bla..bla..bla...).
Yet, beauty is always an issue to every woman... we can say that it's inseparable... Every woman desires to be beautiful in their very own way as men have define women's beauty in so many ways according to every english vocabulary they know exists which relates to good looks (cute, beautiful, hot, sexy, gorgeous, pretty, charismatic, sophisticated and the list goes on). So over centuries women tried hard to improved their looks even to the extend of going under the knife. They're willing to go for it even if they know that "Beauty is pain".
Not that i want to be judgy but working so hard to improve ur beauty for the sake of men is sooo wrong for me.... Women should do it for themselves, not for other people... that's what i understand when Sophia Loren mentioned "beauty is how you feel inside," U should feel beautiful from ur point of view... wear whatever u think comfortable for u, style ur hair according to what u like & wear make up as heavy as u want (not to the extend of looking like a traffic lite tho ~_~")
YOU define yourself, NOT other people.... even if he said ur look hideous with that redish lipstick u juz bought, use it anyway if u think u look good in it.... other people's opinion doesn't count... one man's "ugly" is another man's "beauty" so it's how u think of yourself that matters... eat clean for urself, train dirty for urself, style ur hair for urself, buy new clothes for ur self, wear make up for urself.... to satisfy urself NOT to satisfy others... So when u invest for urself, u're worth every penny... and when others' opinion won't matter anymore, u'll even love ur flaws.. eventually u'll love urself as a whole, a package..
Women shouldn't compare themselves among one another because each will have their own values & qualities... u're the best deal to any men out there... Take it or leave it... What happen when he chose to "leave"? When u love urself, u wouldn't want someone who doesn't want u, doesn't value u, doesn't appreciate u... u would be happy to see them go simply because u don't want to be stuck to someone who doesn't deserve u...
P/s: My greatest talent is being clumsy (got my phone fly more than the man of steel does & eventually cracked), i wear thick eyeliner because i'm unrecognizable without it (natural beauty & me don't get along together), i hate doing house chores (i always want a maid), my stubbornness is to the point of infinity (argue with me & u'll be perfectly irritated) , i'm egois since i'm a capri girl (can't help it, it's the zodiac's fault), i'm overload with chubbiness everywhere (losing weight is my new year's resolution, EVERY year for the past 5 years) , i'm juz an average looking girl, but despite all of these - I Love My Self
Sources: Sherry Argov, Sohia Loren