I'm Back!!

Well... trip to faraway land sucks... i don't know what's the point of crying and drowning myself in sorrows... as if it's going to change anything... yeah, i can't help feeling bad for things that happened but that's human... we're not angels thus mistakes are prone to happen... so what do we do? We made up and go through with our life with the lesson that we've learned.... so what did i learn anyway?

1. Tormenting myself is a reaaaally "smart" move coz not only it makes me weaker but it doesn't help in any ways...

2. Maybe i expect too much in the relationship... PERFECT relationship? Seriously? Might as well fall in love with an imaginary boyfriend... (get what i mean?)

3. I was hurt... we both were... then, what's a big deal...? Not that somebody die or something... That's a part of relationship & we have to take the good with the bad, right? Besides, i went through sh*t worst than this.. To all relationship dramas & dilemmas, i juz hv 1 thing to say, "Been there, done that & still pretty much alive,"

4. Take life easy, think simple, let go of unnecessary regrets..... always bounce back stronger whenever we were shake, break or been stepped on... and never ever lose urself....

P/s: Tips for a secured heart.... never expect but keep on trying... fighting!!! ^^

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